Introducing... - Unique Lullaby

Friday 29 May 2015


I have a fantastic new band to share with you all on this lovely Saturday, and it comes in the form of a really cool dark indie four piece from Paris. Kori and are currently on tour. They are hoping to reach out to the UK very soon and their music is well worth the check out. 

After releasing two albums, Darkness Visible (their debut) consisting of some interesting musical conquests and great experimental effort. And released recently a dark concept album, consisting of great melodies and thought felt lyrics, which is the the fantastic Melancholic Debauchery. Taking influence from not only their  favourite music muses but also their Paris surroundings among other desires and specimens of the universe. A truly compelling band and definitely an opportunity to loose yourself in these dynamic and story written lyrics. 

 An alluring live act as well, it is really nice to see what music bands are making in other countries outside our own, and when their as interesting as this its amazing to see what's on offer.  

I'm certainly really excited to see what these guys have in store over the coming years and definitely ones to keep you're eyes peeled on, they could be in the UK very soon!

Check them out live here:
 "Imagination for me is a means of escape, that's where the stories come from"

Want to  get to know them a little better?
I also spoke to the founder of the band Ori Di Vincenzo and this is what he had to say:

Do you want to introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about your music?

 Kori is a band I started when I was 18, my name is Ori Di Vincenzo, I was born in Jerusalem, I'm 21 years old.

It all started when I bought a cheap audio card and a microphone with some money I saved up.
I couldn't find any band members so I taught myself how to play the bass, how drums work, and how to use recording software on a computer.
A couple of years later the result Darkness Visible.
But my dream was to tour around the world, to work together with other musicians, so I moved to Paris last summer, I found musicians here and we started touring.
On Melancholic Debauchery I worked with a drummer, we recorded the drums in a studio and the rest in my apartment.

You’re music has a really nice sound. You describe you’re genre as dark indie rock, which is really cool, why is this?

I call it that way because it sounds to me like a darker version of indie rock.

Who are you’re main musical influences?
Well, my influences come from discovering a "universe" and little magical moments, like movies that draw you into a strange universe, or even by walking around Paris, suddenly it's sunset, the sky becomes this really weird colour and in that little moment I feel like there's some kind of invisible magic, a window to another universe.

Do you have similar music tastes throughout the band?

 Yes, its important to have similar musical tastes in a band I think.

What was the first album you bought and do you have a favourite of all time?

5. The first album I bought was All That You Can't Leave Behind by U2 when I was 10 years old, I used to go to sleep listening to it every night.
My favorite of all time is In Rainbows by Radiohead.

 And of course you’re album, Melancholic Debauchery, is out now how did it feel to get you’re second album out after you’re debut Darkness Visible?

I love the creation and recording process, so Melancholic Debauchery was everything to me for almost a year before releasing it last month.
I was very excited to release it, I view it as the biggest thing I've done in my life, but suddenly the day I released it I just felt horribly empty, I loved working on the album so much and suddenly it was over.

   I notice Melancholic Debauchery includes a slight concept and a few stories to each song, where did this inspiration come from? 

 Imagination for me is a means of escape, that's where the stories come from.
They all have elements which are true to my life, feelings of alienation, feelings of rejection.
For example the song Frankenstein is inspired by the countless times I went to social events, stood in the corner, felt no connection with anybody and ended up thinking that I'm some sort of monster that can't connect with normal people.

You’ve just touring at the moment whats that been like?

 Being on stage is great, the whole rock'n'roll lifestyle is something we love, sleeping on dirty floors with rats and cockroaches.
We're planning a move to the UK, we really want to tour there.

 If you could tour with any band who would you tour with?

Mac Demarco was the first one who came to my head, I love his sense of humor.

And finally have you got any future releases you can clue us in about?

Having just released Melancholic Debauchery I can't give any clues about future releases yet, but I think the next album will come out 2016.

Check out more from Kori:

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