My work expereince at Kerrang and Planet Rock Radio - Unique Lullaby

Monday, 29 September 2014

My work expereince at Kerrang and Planet Rock Radio

So as I sat on the Tube anxiously awaiting my first day, two thoughts ran through my mind one was am I satisfied with my cheese sandwich I made for lunch and the other was hoping my dress doesn’t blow up as I leave the Tube and it departs. (If you are wandering the cheese sandwich was delightful and the rucksack on my back held my dress down. Woohoo!)

Anyway, it was so cool when I go in. In reception there were loads of Sony Radio Awards for the stations for a variety of different things which was pretty damn cool! When I got taken up to the Kerrang offices, I literally could not have been put with a nicer team of people. So welcoming, it made the nerves just float away like an idiot falling asleep on a lylo in the sea.  

But yeah I got straight to work on some editing, which was cool. Cutting up the content some of the pre recorded shows and what not. Throughout the week I also got to sit in with the presenters and have a chat to them about advice and where I could go next. (The answer which I heard a lot is get as much experience as you can, the more on your CV the better chance you have). Which is very very true in this industry, it’s a tough one see but that’s always been my plan, I love learning in the industry. 

Throughout the week I also got to sit in with Absolute radio and talk to one of the great presenters there Andy Bush who also had some wicked advice. It’s so beneficial to see how everything is run as I got to sit in on a breakfast show, have a chat to the producer and work on some social media assignments. Theres so so much going on in Radio, you wouldn’t even imagine. You need a good team to get it all organised and the departments in golden square have just that!

Towards the end of the week I got to work on some Kerrang Hijack sessions where they do a pre recorded show with bands and artists to take over the airwaves for an hour. They choose their own playlist and also give the listener a taster of what’s to come with their music and tours, I may also add they are pretty damn funny too! The amount of swearing that is edited out is amazing.

So all in all, I had an amazing week at Kerrang! and Planet Rock Radio. Really really good learning experience it was great. Makes me really want to pursue a career even more in radio and work hard to get there.

Just thought I’d give you a short summary of my time there!

If you didn’t catch my two london vlogs watch them here :

 I have also been planning my next ventures of vlogging so remember to keep your eyes peeled ;)

But for now,
In a bizzle.

Oh and on a side note, I had the same lunch everyday whilst I was there, but one day the cheese fell out the box, out of my sandwich and into my bag. My bag smelt cheesey. It was not a good day. That day I had just bread for lunch. I also learnt how to box a sandwich properly (life skills)  

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