This intuitive track romanticises a personal connection to Victoria Park in Cardiff, a place with its memorable monuments like the old band stand which is surrounded by flowers. Declan Andrews' voice resonates a mesmerizing hold on the lyrics expressing time passing by, with the loose recollections of Victoria Park as the hook.
"we wanted to create a striking and recognisable landscape of sounds without overwhelming the core song. It could have easily ended up full of baroque-sounding parts but in the end we found ourselves taking parts away and opening up space" Declan Andrews explains
Combined with a melancholic dose of psychedelic enriched drum patterns and head bobbing guitar arrangements, it's a brilliant single following earlier release of 'Kookly Rose'. It'll slip you into a starry-eyed memory of a personal place you'll never forget.
"...I didn’t set out to write about that place but the core song and lyrics came out quickly. It’s mainly just a rumination over the passing of time condensed into a song and Victoria Park just happens to be the place used as a springboard to explore those ideas. It’s probably because Victoria Park has quite recognisable monuments such as the pool and bandstand which are easy to recall, even if they were peripheral to my experiences there when I was younger. There’s something romantic about parks anyway and there seems to be a strong relationship between parks and time too, especially with the memorandum benches and how a lot of them don’t change all that much compared to the people who visit them."
I am very much looking forward to what this psychedelic trio will produce next. It's a very exciting new project with a lot of scope.
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