Wednesday, 31 January 2018


Unique to check out brand new solo artist Micky James. His brand new track Give It To Me Straight boasts a conglomerate of influences. It really packs a punch with its infectious chorus which is drenched in authentic 70's rock sensibilities whilst still keeping very current. It's crunchy verses and big beats capture a really raw satisfaction.

I caught up with Micky and we talk influences, his first Bowie track, musical mottos & more

 Where are you right now and what was the last song you listened to?

I'm currently in a coffee shop on Madison Ave in NYC escaping the cold. The last song I listened to was a catfish and the bottlemen song that my girlfriend was playing in her car. they're a great band!

Tell us a little bit about yourself growing up, what made you want to start making music and were you exposed to some of the sixties & seventies icons from the likes of Bowie, The Rolling Stones and The Clash from an early age or were these artists you found on your own? 

My first music memory would be when I watched the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. My dad bought a VHS box set of all of their performances on the Ed Sullivan show. I was about 7 or 8 when I first saw it. At that age it was almost difficult to process exactly what I was watching, but it was bizarrely satisfying. I mean I was completely infatuated. I actually  thought they weren't real people or something ? It was absolutely perfect. That ultimately led me into being a performer and a guitar player and down the road a song writer. I wasn't exposed to Bowie and the clash until much later in my life. I was always aware of those artists but my love for those artists didn't come into play until I started to have a strong interest in song writing. 

Your new single is heavily inspired by Bowie, what was the first Bowie record you heard and how did it make you feel?

The first record I heard by Bowie was 'Let's Dance' . I got into Bowie when I started to sing and write songs. At the time I was always singing in a lower register, in a way a crooner delivery and I was having a hard time connecting to a lot of contemporary singers. Coincidentally Bowie's delivery on that record shines in his baritone swag which happened to be my first introduction to him as a singer. He became a massive influence from that moment forward. 

 You’ve dropped your slamming debut solo record, Give It To Me Straight – how does it feel now it's out there?

Liberating! I've been working on this project for almost a year now. Writing and developing the sound. It just  Feels good to finally let people in on what I've been working on for the past 8 or 9 months. 

It has really catchy glam rock inspired riffs with oozes of pop sensibilities – how did you go about writing and crafting the track?

It felt spontaneous and raw when creating and writing the song. I didn't really think about it that much. It was very much in the moment. I think a song like that has to be. I was taking it from a bands approach. As a solo artist i still wanted it to feel big and raw and passionate. It needed to sound like a band went into the studio and recorded it in a day. Which it was. The producers that I worked with on this track are incredible musicians, which ultimately allowed me to have that freedom to be spontaneous and capture that organic, raw essence. 

It’s got bags of energy and an incredibly gritty, hooky chorus, what does a Micky James live set consist of? 

Sort of how this songs comes across . Loud, energetic, charismatic. Every gig that I play, big or small, I want it to feel like an arena show. In front of 2 people or a thousand people. The energy has to be brought. We're all there just to have a good time and that's what I want people to take from the shows. 

As this is a brand new and exciting project, have you got some more material on the way and what can we expect from it?

I do. Loads of it. I'm already itching to put out the next one! I think you can expect the same attitude but maybe showcasing more of my pop sensible side. 

What are your goals as a musician and do you have plans to come and play here in the UK? 

As any musician or artist, it is always important to keep evolving and working on your craft. Exploring new territories as a writer. Continuously pushing boundaries. 
Not at the moment but I'm working on it! I've been trying to come over and play in the U.K. For years. This time around it will happen . 

What moto do you hope to stick to throughout your musical career? 

Hmmmm that's a good question. I've always liked that saying 'anything worth doing, is worth doing right



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