SWN FESTIVAL 2017 - Unique Lullaby

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Swn Festival, one of the most exciting and musically enthralling festivals around!

Swn really kickstarted my love for the Welsh music scene when I first stepped foot in Cardiff back in 2012 and just amplified my love for music across the UK and beyond.

Last year I was heavily involved in the festival and loved every minute of it. From reporting for BBC Gorwelion/Horizons to creating my own videos for Unique Lullaby! It's a festival full of happy spirits and musical lovers from all over.

This year is a super special one. Following on from the delights of the 10th Birthday last year, we are now met with an absolute mammoth Swn. Starting in Swansea on the 22nd of September and running right the way through October you can catch some absolutely massive shows across South Wales, with Cardiff, of course at the height of it all. Since the loss of a couple of VERY special venues to Womanby Street and Swn Festival, The Full Moon and Dempsey's, I'm so glad it hasn't dampened the Swny spirits!

Check out my last years' Swn adventures. 

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