Followed By Band Of The Month - Unique Lullaby

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Followed By Band Of The Month

I have recently been followed by a band based in Manchester and they are rocking it. Indie 5 piece Puppet Rebellion have compared to the likes of Bloc Party and The Strokes, so you can get a flavor of what this quintet are offering! Expect loads of bouncing riffs and catchy lyrics with distinctive indie vocals. These guys are smashing it at the moment. Since forming just two years ago they have already released two critically acclaimed EP's and have recently been touring all over the UK. They have lots planned over the coming year and I'm certainly going to be following their music! I caught up with their Bassist, Jim, check out what he had to say below.

Hello, so first things first, do you want to tell us a little bit about yourselves and how you would describe your music to fresh new ears?
Hello! We’re Puppet Rebellion. We’re a fiercely independent 5 piece from Manchester. Our music has been described as similar to Editors, Bloc Party and The Strokes.

When did you form and what inspired you to begin a band?
Our old singer put an ad out for like-minded musicians. We’ve all had quite a bit of previous band experience and responded to the ad individually!

You have two fantastic indie fuelled EP’s out at the moment ‘No Means Yes’ and ‘Chemical Friends’, How did it feel to get you’re debut  Chemical  Friends out and who were your influences when creating these EP’s? 
It always feels great to release new music- especially when the response is so overwhelmingly positive, as it has been for us. We have a diverse range of influences amongst the different members of the band – some you can pick out clearly in our releases, and others not so much…

Who have been you’re musical  influences and tell us a little bit about your musical beginnings of what started to get you into music?
Personally, I like lots of different music, from folk to heavy metal. I really liked Guns N Roses when I was a kid (and still do). I bought a cheap Fender Squire guitar, disappeared into my bedroom for 6 intensive months and then emerged as the rock God I am today!

You’ve got an incredible social media following on Twitter. You’ve also supported for likes of the big new phenomenon that is ‘Catfish and the Bottlemen’  and the established ‘Reverend and the Makers’ how did this feel to gig with these bands? 
Thanks! I love Catfish and the Bottlemen, as do a few other members of the band. My rhythm guitarist Craig and I actually played with them previously in our old bands, so it’s been great to see them getting the success they deserve. To be able to play alongside them has also been cool for us, as has being able to play with some of the other ‘bigger’ bands we’ve supported.

What’s it like to be on tour now playing some iconic venues including your very own Sound Control in the heart of your heritage, I bet the turn out for that one is set to be a gooden? 
Manchester gigs are always extra special for us. You’re right – the Sound Control one is gonna be massive! Saying that, we also did a great gig in London last week – we’re picking up fans all over the place at the moment!

What was you’re personal musical highlight of 2014 as a band?
Getting our new singer, Ollie, was probably the highlight. He’s wicked. He’s also very handsome and smells like freshly cut grass.

If you could play any festival what would it be and what would be you’re dream line up to play alongside?
Glastonbury, on the last night. Headlining. On the same bill as Guns N Roses and Jimi Hendrix. Will probably never happen though, to be fair.

And finally what are you’re plans for the near future, any new material on the way? 

We’ve released our latest single ‘Watch Me Fall’ on 23rd February, along with b-side ‘Claim to Fame’. Check out the video on YouTube. We’re also touring to support the release – so catch us if you can!

Check out their latest release 'Watch Me Fall'

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