I have noticed this year there has been a big influx of albums and which have reached their decade mark. In this mixture of genres and artists are some of my favourites and I can remember wacking on these albums and memorising all the words (I lose my voice at pretty much every gig I've ever been too). So heres a little post about some of the albums and songs which have reached that decade milestone. Enjoy x
The Strokes –
"First Impressions of Earth"
This is the Strokes third studio album, 'First Impressions Of Earth', was released back on January 3rd 2006. Personally, from following the Strokes right from the start, I was not disappointed with this album and today it holds one of my favourite tracks of all time 'Juicebox'. It's a song which contains that sexy and encompassing guitar riff with simple sing-along-able lyrics. This album contained a slightly more intense rockier edge but has continued to keep the iconic style of the Strokes that we all know and love. Generating some other great tunes with 'Razorblade' 'Vision Of Division' and 'Heart In A Cage'. I could go on. But it's true to say, I will always love this album just as much as 'Is This It'.
The Kooks –
"Inside In/Inside Out"
Ahh The Kooks album numero uno released 23 January 2006! 'Inside In The Inside Out' home of some of the biggest indie numbers of the noughties. Normally on an album theres always one or two tracks you can't stand or sometimes all of them except the hit, but I remember popping this album on and my 12 year old self had it on repeat. It was my sisters album so stealing it from her room was the most fun. It's one of those albums that if The Kooks played the album live in it's entirety, I guarantee the whole crowd would be blasting out their lungs to sing along. It holds 'Naive', 'Sofa Song', 'Ooh La', 'Seaside' and an old favourite, which defines the sound of my noughties era, 'She Moves In Her Way'. Not forgetting 'Eddies Gun' and 'You Don't Love Me' I could go on and on. This album holds the best of Indie at the time compiled into one album. After second album 'Konk' (which I did enjoy) I didn't follow The Kooks except of course their newer release 'Down' that is quite an addictive tune!
Arctic Monkeys
"Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not"
Ok. I'm going to try and keep this short. This will be hard. It's one of my favourite albums of all time and in my opinion the best Arctic Monkey's album. The release of the bands debut 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not' competed with The Kooks debut on January 23rd 2006. The album which put the word 'Mardy' on the map to those who aren't from 'tut North like me (well I'm technically Midlands but we say it). When this album came out I adored the way it was written. It's very real and relatable, written with a storytelling aspects of those everyday life events that we all live through. From relationships to nights out to the reality of the streets of the night. I think this is an album which defines a era and a sure favourite in years to come. The Arctic Monkeys have tweaked their music over the years, especially after 'Humbug'. This albums remains my favourite out of the 5 albums alongside 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' and 'AM'. 'I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor' is a song for the generation and will be no doubt played for years to come.
Thank god for Myspace eh.
Ne-Yo –
"In My Own Words"
Ne-Yo broke onto the scene with a track contained with this album - 'So Sick'. The track that told the story of the relationship you had during school that breaks apart after a week and this song is the go to! It's the album that also brought us 'Sexy Love'. Ne-Yo is the definition of those slow songs in the school disco where you felt like you were in your own personal music video. 'So Sick' is always a noughties pleasure for me!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs –
"Show Your Bones"
The Yeah Yeah Yeah's released a string of wonderful albums during the noughties from 'Fever To Tell' to my favourite 'Its Blitz'. But 10 years ago this year 'Show You're Bones', the second LP, was released March 22, 2006. This band have always been my go to when I need moment to just turn my speakers up loud and just get lost in some BIG music. This album in particular is home to 'Gold Lion', 'Cheated Hearts' and my all time favourite 'Mysteries'. I love the big guitar riffs, punk-esque vocals and expressionism in their music, there is no band quite like them, in my opinion! Great album.
Rihanna –
"A Girl Like Me"
Rihanna, one of the queens of the noughties. 'A Girl Like Me' was released on April 10, 2006. It's an album which is predominantly filled with relationship ballads with the burst of those upbeat classics such as 'SOS'. It also holds the big classic 'Unfaithful', a song that doesn't go amiss on a night out, a little drunk and being belted out, we all know the words. It also holds collabs with the likes of Sean Paul on the track 'Break It Off'. We all have a lot of love for Bad Gal Ri Ri.
Red Hot Chili Peppers –
"Stadium Arcadium"
Red Hot Chilli Peppers with their back catalogue reaching right back to the 80's, never disappoint. Stadium Arcadium released May 9, 2006, was the first Chilli's album I picked up as a kid. This is the album where I fell in love with them and delved deeper into their work. Theres so much to say about RHCP so I'll stick to the album in question. Stadium Arcadium contains massive songs which even a grazing listener could sing. 'Snow (Hey Oh), 'Dani California', 'Hump de Hump', 'Stadium Arcadium', I could go on. It's the bass and funk feel to the Chilli Peppers that I have always adored. Particularly in tracks like 'Warlocks', 'Turn It Again' and 'C'mon Girl'. Incredible live band and one of my favourites of all time!
The Killers –
"Sam's Town"
Sam's Town, the second LP from The Killers, released October 2, 2006. I actually wasn't as enamoured with this album as I was with 'Hot Fuss' but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It holds some of those big hits that we all love to blurt out just as much as 'Mr Brightside'. When I saw The Killers at Electric Picnic Festival back in 2012 my voice was on the way from singing anyway but this set completely obliterated, it. They have so many memorable songs. On this album particularly 'For Reasons Unknown', 'Sam's Town', 'When You Were Young', 'Read My Mind' and 'Bones'.
Cold War Kids –
"Robbers & Cowards"
Cold War Kids debut album was released on October 10, 2006. This is the perfect indie rock album for any playlist. The album is full of nice melodic musings with some interesting writing styles, the story telling on this album is lovely. Especially during tracks like 'Hospital Beds' and 'God Make Up Your Mind'. This is such a addictive album and it holds really interesting range of different tracks. If you have never picked up this band before or heard this album, I recommend completely!
My Chemical Romance –
"The Black Parade"
Recently My Chemical Romance put out a short video to commemorate the fact of The Black Parade being in its 10th year and I couldn't believe it. It was released on October 23, 2006. Being a massive fan of those emotional rock tunes back in my noughties days, The Black Parade track itself was a massive part of my childhood. When that drop hits you're guaranteed to get the whole room singing along. Also on this album is the hit 'Teenagers'. Both these tracks contain those iconic videos with the gas masks and interesting concepts. We're all partial to cheeky bit of My Chem memories from time to time.
Too Little Too Late - Jo Jo
Maneater - Nelly Furtado
Yellow House - Grizzly Bear
Smack That - Akon ft Eminem
Future Sex/Love Sounds - Justin Timberlake
Crazy - Knarles Barkley
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
Beyonce - B'day
Stupid Girl - Pink
Beach House - Beach House
The Black Keys - Magic Potion
There are loads and loads of songs and albums reaching their decade mark this year!
Time flies.
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