The Mojo Sinners - Carnival EP - Unique Lullaby

Thursday 6 August 2015

The Mojo Sinners - Carnival EP

The Mojo Sinners have blessed us with a fantastic, eclectic, four track EP. Forming in the South Wales Vallys earlier this year, this 3 piece heavy blues rock band have been writing and recording ever since. Each hailing from different musical backgrounds, Dave Williams (Blue Traffic) Dane Campbell (Straight Lines) and Ross McInch,  they have recently recorded an explosive four track EP named Carnival.

Fueled by catchy guitar riffs it is clear to see their musical influences flow out throughout the tracks, Hendrix being a huge influence for guitarist Dave.

In particularly in the second track of the EP 'Traveller' as it introduces us with easy listening bluesy melody which then slowly fades effortlessly into an epic rock and roll guitar riff leading us into the rockier side to the record. A brand new video for this track which visually compels with the bluesy beginning portraying an old, found footage vibe which then laps into a vibrant grungy performance shot sitting nicely with the fast paced guitar riffs showing a slight influence from that of Motorhead. The video flowing nicely with the nature of the genre and the song combining a typically stripped back blues introduction then showcasing the shredding guitars, heavy bass lines and big drum interludes. To then conclude with the introductory stripped back bluesy melody and a solo performance with an acoustic guitar. A video very fitting with the intention of the record.

The production value of the EP is very high, showcased early on with the first track 'Carousel', a mixture of clever collated lyrics and a collaboration of great instrumentals it is a great track to set the listener up to the remaining tracks. Clearly inspired by gypsy storytelling and old traveller connotations using lyrics such as 'a freak show for the lost and found', it is not only lyrically interesting but musically compelling.

 The Ep then takes us to Deadroads, a song which combines bluesy vocals over big Jimi Hendrix inspired riffs.The lyrics echoing through the track with a light reverb breaking it up nicely to lead into the conclusion of Nightshade, the melancholy finale to the EP. The slowest track on the EP giving us the grittiest vocals and thought provoking lyrics it is a great song to end.

A great and catchy four track EP by The Mojo Sinners, a nice eclectic blend throughout each of the records that are well worth a listen, if you like well timed musical genres combing together to make a unique sound, then this is the EP for you.

I also spoke to The Mojo Sinners, see what they had to say here:

 Firstly, tell us a little bit about yourselves and your music? 

We're different ages from different areas in South Wales but we've all ended up playing together.  We started as a blues cover band then started writing some original material so we decided to start a new band with a new name and focus on the compositions.  We wanted to keep a bluesy theme throughout the music but wanted to appeal to a more mainstream rock audience at the same time.

You have a fantastic unique sound, with a combination of a few different genres, is this due to your different musical backgrounds?

Thank you! We certainly have fairly varied musical backgrounds.  Dave has been influenced by blues guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck and Johnny Winter but also grew up listening to old 50s instrumentalists like Santo And Johnny and gypsy jazz legend Django Reinhardt.  Dane grew up listening to a bit of classic rock through a heavy family influence but was also fond of 90's Grunge, pop punk and rock.  He has lately been researching the history of rock with his latest interests being Black Sabbath and Deep Purple.  As for Ross, he grew up listening to Eric Clapton and Cream so has a strong blues influence from a young age.  He shares a similar interest as Dane in the grunge era but also loves a bit of Pink Floyd and even some indie rock and brit pop.

You’ve shared the stage with some fantastic artists including Motorhead, Feeder, Robert Cray and many more. How was it to experience the stage with these massive selling artists?

 All of the above were individually with previous bands but it certainly prepares you and helps build confidence with all future gigs.  It can also been inspiring when the artists actually give you praise and advice for example when Robert Cray gave Dave words of wisdom on how to keep pushing forward, writing and creating his own styles etc.

You’re new EP ‘Carnival’ has an interesting concept behind it. Could you tell us a little bit about that?

Well, apart from the obvious Jimi Hendrix lyrical influence, Dave recently discovered that his ancestors were Romany Traveller's.  This inspired him greatly which resulted in him coming up with the theme and writing about old fashioned circus acts, fortune tellers and curses etc.

What have the responses from listeners been like?

 It's still early days yet but so far all the feedback has been very positive and we keep getting new people discovering us every day from radio play and social media.

 What inspires you to write you’re music?

 I think you can get a lot more pleasure out of performing your own music, especially when the reception is very positive.  It's inspiring to see other people we know go out and tour the world and play festivals and we'd like to do the same.

Can we expect any other releases coming soon?

We have almost completed the writing of a new EP / mini album that we aim to start recording later this year.  We have been showcasing some of the songs at gigs so please come and check them out if you can!

 And of course you have some gigs coming up over this month, where can we see you play?

 We're playing Club Ifor Bach in Cardiff supporting Phil Campbell's All Starr Band on Thursday 6th August.  The Castle in Barry on Friday 7th August.  On Wednesday 26th August we're playing at The New Crown Inn, Merthyr Tydfil and we're also playing their Crownload Festival on Sunday 30th August.  If you can't make it to Clwb Ifor Bach we have another Cardiff show at Cafe Jazz on Friday 11th September.  We're always looking for more gigs so please get in touch if you're reading this and would be interested in booking us!

  If you could play at any festival, which festival would it be and who would be on the line up with you?

Dave's would have to be Isle Of Wight festival as Jimi Hendrix played a legendary concert there a few months before he died.  Dane's would be Reading/Leeds because he's been as a fan a few times and has always wanted to play it.  Ross would love to play Coachella Festival in California.  The line ups of these festivals are normally really good but it would be great to be on the same bill as Foo Fighters or Queens Of The Stone Age - bands all three of us love!

And finally, where would you like you’re music to be in a few years time?

 Popular!  Well we'd certainly love to be in the position where we could book our own headline tours and people would show up, in the UK at least.  It would have been nice if we were able to play a few of the big festivals in the meantime too.

Fantastic, thanks guys. Looking forward to seeing more music from you very soon then!

Make sure you check out more:

Watch their brand new video for 'Traveller'

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